Sustainable Development Programme is NABARD sponsored initiative that manages Health, Agriculture, Forests, Food Security and Water use in a holistic way to a growing emphasis on renewable energy. Krishi Vigyan Kendra of SSM in association with other welfare agencies planned and executed many activities under SDP. A) Health Check-Up camp for cattle - A health check-up camp for cattle and live stock was organized under SDP by KVK at Dongaon on 16 th December. Dr. Bhusan Sadar and his supporting staff extended their valuable services. B) Free Health Check-Up for The Villagers – Ten free health checkup camps have been planned by KVK. A free health checkup camp was held at Dongaon, in association with Lotus Hospital, Nanded, on 6 th December. 310 patients were consulted and medicines distributed. A short film was screened hig...