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Activities under Sustainable Development Programme:

             Sustainable Development Programme is NABARD sponsored initiative that manages Health, Agriculture, Forests, Food Security and Water use in a holistic way to a growing emphasis on renewable energy.       Krishi Vigyan Kendra of SSM in association with other welfare agencies planned and executed many activities under SDP. A)     Health Check-Up camp for cattle -  A  health check-up camp for cattle and live stock was organized under SDP by KVK at Dongaon on 16 th December.  Dr. Bhusan Sadar and his supporting staff extended their valuable services. B)     Free Health Check-Up for The Villagers – Ten free health checkup camps have been planned by KVK.  A free health checkup camp was held at Dongaon, in association with Lotus Hospital, Nanded, on 6 th December. 310 patients were consulted and medicines distributed.  A short film was screened hig...
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117th Birth Anniversary of Sane Guruji Celebrated :

             SSM has organized a Balmelava (A Children's get-together) on 25 th December, the 117 th birth anniversary of Shri Pandurang Sadashiv Sane. He is fondly regarded as ‘Sane Guruji’ by all the Indians.             It was an event of great relief and rejoice for  three thousand children. And none less, to the elders too It was a feast to ears listening to kids narrating stories in their tender and sweet voices. .           Renowned Marathi story writers Shri Rajendra Gahal and Shri Digambar Kadam were the privileged Guests on the occasion.  Narrating a Marathi story, ‘Lagancha Patka,’ Shri Rajendra Gahal created a cinematic  atmosphere with his unparallelled skills of storytelling and engaged the audience for hours.. The story narrated by Shri Digambar Kadam was too a great experience for all the children....

Solar Fencing To Protect Agriculture & Research Fields :

             The boundaries of the 10 acre farm field has been now secured by Solar fencing The Agricultural & Horticultural research which   is carried out in the field has been facing the menace due to monkeys, peacocks and wild boars. They not only destroy the farm produce but also attack the passers-by during late evenings. Now the problem   will be addressed by the solar fence. The technology of preventive DC shock   does not threaten life of any animal or humans. The fencing also serves as a demonstration unit to the visiting farmers and   ATA trainees as well.

A Day-Long Football Coaching Camp:

             A day-long football coaching camp was held on 30 November at Shri Chatrapati Shivaji Highschool's Sports Ground. The Maharashtra Football Association initiated the camp in association with the District Sport Office- Nanded.   Altogether 100 players U/16 yrs participated the event.   The camp was aimed to provide expert's coaching, technical inputs and   boost   the morale of young trainees.       Skating: A young skater Ms. Bhavini Jadhav of SSM received the loudest applause on her return with a bronze at the state level skating competition.  Chasing her target, she scored good points in first three rounds,  unfortunately last fourth and fifth rounds.  Stood undeterred, Bhavini hopes to bring laurels for her nation in future.

Fifth Consecutive Batch of ATA Certification Course Commenced:

           The fifth batch of the one-year full time residential Agro Technician Assistant Course commenced at KVK in Sagroli for the academic year 2017-18.   The course has evidently been attracting rural youth to chose the opportunities the post scenario offers. The fifth   batch registered   20 trainees including female youth . The faculty resources   Mrs. Usha Banbole and Mr. Amol Deshmukh have been carrying forward this innovative programme quite successfully.

500 Children Participate Sakal's Drawing Competition

The SAKAL Media Group organized a drawing competition on  December 2017. The 32 nd Annual event was held simultaneously at over 2000 schools across Maharashtra and Goa.  The SAKAL Media Group promotes such activities to bring out the creativity and innate talent of the children.  The Sakal publications like ‘SAKAL NIE’ and ‘Young Buzz’ provide a huge platform for the students to publish their creativity.       More than 500 Students from various Units of SSM  participated in the contest  enthusiastically.  The result will be declared in January 2018.